We Are One!


Concluding the Solidarity for Survival Exhibition, Keleketla! Media Arts Project is holding a March on Saturday, 23 June 2012 from Constitution Hill to the Drill Hall.

‘Solidarity For Survival’ is a campaign exhibition that was launched in 2011 at the Constitution Hill, Johannesburg by MSF South Africa. The goal of the campaign/exhibition was to contribute to public awareness, critical consciousness and solidarity with people seeking refuge in South Africa.

The campaign utilized a multi-medium approach involving film, television, radio, print, signage and visual arts installation in the exhibition area.

Keleketla! developed a series of workshops (in the form of a fictional youth magazine show titled ‘Teen Talk’ ) which was a build-up leading to the march. On Saturday 23rd June 2012, the march commences from Constitution Hill and ends at the Drill Hall. The march aims to link two communities that were and still are greatly affected by the xenophobic attacks, Hillbrow and the Inner City. The two communities house a lot of foreign nationals from all parts of Africa.

Furthermore, the march is a conceptual link between the Drill Hall (where the 1956 Treason Trialists underwent hearings) and the Constitution Hill (where the Treason Trialists were detained for the duration of the Trial).

The march will include work by members of K!ASP (Keleketla! After School Programme) in the form of original music, prints and physical theatre performances.


Original paintings by K!ASP members translated into multiples to form part of the march, addressing issues of discrimination.

These original prints will be handed out as part of the march!


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